
The Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica

The Vatican Museums are one of the places with the greatest history in the world and it is impossible not to marvel at their uniqueness for their charm, mystery and beauty!
You will discover what a unique emotion it is to enter the rooms that artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael and many others walked through…
This tour will give you the opportunity to learn about the history of the Popes, the Catholic Church and the smallest state in the world, Vatican City!
The route includes a visit to some of the most important museum collections: the Pio – Clementino Museum with the first collection of Roman sculptures of the pontiff, the galleries, including the famous gallery of geographical maps, the “google maps” of the Sixteenth century wanted by Pope Gregory XIII, and finally the apartments of the popes of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries: the rooms of Julius II frescoed by Raphael Sanzio and the Borgia apartment.
The most important stage will of course be the Sistine Chapel, a jewel of the Renaissance with the wonderful frescoes of the great Michelangelo Buonarroti, whose genius we will have time to discover, as well as the man behind it, finding all out about the weaknesses, sins and contradictions that characterized his long life … almost 89 years!
From the Sistine Chapel, you will be granted access, through myself as certified guide to St. Peter’s Basilica, to admire the famous Pietà by Michelangelo and visit the tombs of popes such as John Paul II, John XXIII and many others.
The tour will end at the altar of the Basilica where the crypt and the tomb of St. Peter is located, right where it all began … with the martyrdom of the apostle, the first pope in history.

Duration: 3 hours.

Time of the day: mornings and afternoons (to be negotiated).

Useful tips:

It is very important to respect an appropriate code of clothing when entering sacred places. Therefore, very short vests and pants are not allowed inside the Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica.
During summer the use of non-revealing, fresh and light clothing is strongly recommended. 
Please always carry a bottle of water with you.

Safety regulations:

It is mandatory to leave the following items in the free wardrobe:

  • Medium and large umbrellas (or those with a tip);
  • Sticks (except for walking aids); photographic stands;
  • Video cameras;
  • As well as signs of any kind;
  • Large suitcases and backpacks.

Taking pictures at the Vatican Museums

Pictures are allowed inside the museums without the use of flash.
Use of the photographic tripod and / or professional equipment is prohibited.
The use of the extendable selfie stick is prohibited.

In the Sistine Chapel it is forbidden to take photos and videos with any type of electronic device.

The Vatican Museums have a very high number of visitors, between 20,000 and 25,000 a day, for this reason the best time to visit is in the low season between November and February. During the most crowded days, the help of a guide in the museum itinerary is even more useful, as it facilitates the entrance to the Museums, the Sistine chapel and most of all the Basilica. 
It is possible to agree with the guide on an alternative route, which includes other sections of the Vatican Museums such as the Egyptian Museum, the Pavilion of the carriages and cars of the popes or the Pinacoteca Vaticana.


+39 349 806 0995

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